About Me


I’m Randy McNeely.


I’m the executive producer for a wonderful new human-interest series, "The Kindness Factor" sharing inspiring stories that showcase the powerfully transformative power of love through kindness.


I’m also the author of The Kindness Givers’ Formula 2.0: A 5-Step Guide to Reaching Hearts, Inspiring Change, and Healing the World Through Love.  In its pages you’ll find a practical formula for ingraining the daily habit of kindness giving in to your life as well as several inspiring stories of love in action through kindness.


I’m also a husband to an angel and the father of four daughter’s and one son. I love being with them and enjoy having fun playing board, card, and writing games, singing songs around the piano, and creating culinary delights my kids affectionately call “Randy’s Risky Recipes.” The "risky" is derived from that fact that I never entirely follow a recipe when it comes to ingredients, and my measurements have been known to be a little off at times. However, no one has gotten sick yet, and, believe it or not, my kids and my chef of a wife, have actually enjoyed nearly every creation!


I enjoy sharing my formula and stories from my book with audiences that have included schools, entrepreneurship groups, businesses, and more through keynotes, social media, podcasts, Facebook, LinkedIn, and TV.


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